Launch Ceremony- Galkaiyo Joint Peace building Initiative Project


PSA/CPD and SSF team held an array of meetings with Puntland Regional governor, the Mayor of Galkayo and traditional Elders of North and their counterparts from Galkayo south who are administratively on the Galmudug side.

During these meetings the officials were briefed about the project objectives and goals including the roles they are expected to play for the success of the project.

In addition, they were updated on the main project activities which entails peace caravans, Youth/Women Assemblies, Mediation/Conflict Resolution Trainings, Conflict Resolution/Reconciliation forums, Galkayo Peace Conference/Social Contract Agreements, JPC Outreach Activities, Sports/Cultural activities and Rehabilitation of the Solar street lights.

We also deliberated on how to establish Joint Peace Committee which members will be drawn from both sides of the district, it was also agreed that CPD/PSA will share the final Joint Peace Committee list with all the relevant stakeholders including the government.

More so, during the meeting, the participants highlighted and underlined the coordination required for the success of the project including the necessary impetus needed for the envisaged goals and objectives to be met.


On the 19th June 2019, CPD/PSA held a successful launch for the Galkayo Peace Initiative project that is aimed at supporting peace and stability of the city.

The project Launching Ceremony was held at Suguule Hotel in Puntland side of the town and was attended by Puntland Minister for interior Puntland Minister for Women affairs, Puntland Assistant Minister for Health, DG Ministry of Interior Galmudug, the two Regional governors, the two mayors of the District, Members of the Joint Peace Committee, youth representatives, SSF team and IPs.

The event’s master of ceremony was Abdifitah Mohamed Sugule, PSA’s executive Director, after his opening remarks and welcoming of the participants he called upon Sheikh Mohamed Omar to read holly Quran and prayer.

He was followed by Abshir Mohamed who is head of SSF Puntland to present the project’s objectives, expected outcome and the role the project will play for the stability and peace of Galkaiyo.

Next to the podium  were joint peace committee elders, Abdinasir Jama and Gaani Xassan from south and North Galckayo respectively, they affirmed that the project was timely and it will be of great help to the community development and stability.

The elders were followed by governors from both regions, Ahmed Muse and Abdirahman Isxal, the two governors praise SSF for the noble initiative that will play an important role in the peace and security of Galkaiyo. Also Xirsi Yusuf and Saahid Sayn who are mayors for North and South Galckayo supported the project and promise to ensure the project is successful.

On the part of General Director for Galmudug ministry of interior, Mr. Warsame Farax, he promised that the two ministries of interior will give their technical support and all the assistance required to the project.

Somalia federal government was also represented in the event by Mr. Rooble Ahmed Daahir, he thanked the donors, implementing partners, Galmudug/Puntland states and the communities of Mudug region for the project, he assured the participants that Somalia federal government is fully committed in ensuring the project is successful and its goals are met.

The Ministry of Interior and Federal Affairs Ministry of Interior added that the projects will have a major positive impact on the collaboration of the two administrations of the city. “The construction of the roads will enhance smooth movement and collaboration between the two administrations in Galkayo and more importantly it will give new opportunities to small business owners to develop their business.” Minister Mohamed affirmed.

Also speaking during the event, Galmudug Director General of the Ministry of Interior and Local Government said “we urge the community to be peacemakers and not be divided, but to work together as a united and peaceful community for development.”

Speaking on behalf of the Galkayo peace committee, the Chairman Sultan Abdinasir Jamaac, said “we have experienced a sustained peace for more than a year and a half, I urge the community and our leaders to support the efforts of the peace committee in maintaining peace and stability as well as integrating our communities.”

All the speakers who had a chance to address the meeting welcomed the project and vowed to fully support the project and promised to work closely with the IPs throughout the implementation of the project. All the persons who spoke during the meeting also agreed that peace in Galkayo has improved and there was an urgent need to sustain it and address the few gaps that exist. Also majority of those who spoke identified solar street rehabilitation being the most urgently required intervention to be implemented and requested SSF that the solar project should be prioritized as the first activity even before community engagements as this will open up the town business and security improvements at night.



The launch event was successfully concluded and most importantly all the government representatives officials committed themselves to work together for the sake of the peace and development in the area.

All the event’s participants unanimously underlined that the project will play a key role to the peace, stability and development of Galkaiyo and its environs.

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